Chat ” N” Snap 2021

Before setting off to this years long awaited Chat”N”Snap, there was a bit of squabbling amongst the Emporium Sasha’s as to whom should be accompanying me on the journey?

Well of course all of the Dungarees, Gang wanted to come, but they saw sense and thought that one member of the Gang would be enough, so the newest member with the eyelashes was chosen as he had not been before.

Well, that was the boys sorted now the girls had to decide and the choice was made, that Matilde would come as she had not been before either.

There was room for one more and they all decided that as Aunty Kendal could not make it this time, then Miss Nobody would go to cheer her up.

Miss Nobody is wearing an outfit by Vintage Sasha.

So we were finally off, after following my satnavs weird and wonderful way of finding new ways to get to the same place we arrived on time. How nice it was to see old friends and meet some new ones.

Here are the sales tables.

My table
Dolly Doodles Table
Jane McLuskie’s Table
Lee’s table
Linda’s Table
Tricia’s table
Petrana’s Table
Chris’s Table
Michelle’s Table
Jane’s Table

(Apologies as I did not get a photo of Dawn or Ginny’s tables)

The Raffle prizes

The attendees.

The visiting dolls: This year due to social distancing we could only bring what we could carry.

The loot:

OK, I know you are going to say it (Theresa should be banned from raffles) and yes, I did draw the first ticket at the raffle, but I did not take a doll!

I chose the jumper knitted by Catherine French. It is beautiful and I am over the moon as I have wanted one for years.

The other item I won at the raffle was a delightful pale green dress and pants outfit.

All other raffles ticket wins I donated to others, so that I do not get banned in the future!

I brought the latest design Christmas head wear from Dolly Doodles

I brought some very yummy sandwiches from Jane

Some lovely scarves from Linda

And a Vintage Sasha outfit from Chris

Finally a great big thank you to Dee and all the helpers it was a great day and raised over a £1000 for charity. looking forward to next year already……………………………..


  1. Thank you for that lovely post about the Chat n Snap Theresa, I am so glad to see it was well attended and there were lots of goodies for your kids to buy, and win! Hopefully we will see each other in the coming year, with much love, Janet xx ________________________________


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